By Nicola Nasser*
Indisputably, the 80 – year old President Mahmoud Abbas has established himself internally and worldwide as the icon of Palestinian non – violence. His Israeli peace partners leave none in doubt that they are determined to smash this icon, which would leave them only with opposite alternatives the best of which is a massive peaceful intifada (uprising) against the Israeli occupation.
It is true that Abbas cannot yet be called the Ghandi of Palestine. He has yet to (…)
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Smashing the Abbas icon of Palestinian non – violence
14 October 2015 -
More Scud than BUK: Despite Fiery Rhetoric, West Beats Strategic Retreat on MH17
13 October 2015Well, the day has finally arrived for the long-awaited (in some quarters) Dutch Safety Board frame-up on the MH17 shoot-down over Ukraine some 16 months ago. As anticipated, the report offers no new insights and relies on shaky and opaque methodology to reach its so-called ’conclusions.’
However, despite its obvious bias and expected throwing of much shade toward the new US/Euro Hitler-of-the-Day, and despite the New York Times’ hyperventilating and drooling headlines, the report actually (…) -
The Pornography of Hatred
9 October 2015There is danger in the pandering of hatred that goes beyond the freedom of expression. Is there a right to profit from supplying the seeds of destruction to those who have the need to blame others for the poverty of their existence? Bar owners who continue to serve drunks can be held responsible for the deaths of those later killed in traffic collisions, but to what extend should those who peddle the rhetoric of hatred, bigotry, and violence be held responsible for the consequences of their (…)
You Mad, Bro? US resopnse to Russia’s Syria action is off the charts
7 October 2015 Interview with PressTV about US’ ’You Mad Bro’ response to Russia’s coming to the aid of its Syrian ally.
Please like, link, share, publish, repost as you wish. Full transcript:
"It’s very interesting to see the US pundit class and "senior administration officials" squirm. They are really squirming over this. And notice that they’re off-record. They just say ’senior administration officials.’ They are just freaking out that (…) -
Pope’s address to Bishops raises larger questions, contradictions in visit to US
25 September 2015Audio interview with political analyst Daniel Patrick Welch touching on issues raised by Pope Francis’ address to US Bishop conference and the sex abuse scandal, as well as the larger context of his visit to the US and his papacy’s attempt to refocus the church. Click on icon upper right for full audio.
This is the kind of story I find sad. Normally with this kind of a high profile target and story I might be chomping at the bit to speak my mind. But I find it just ironic and very sad—it (…) -
Culture as merchandise, thanks to recent copyright reform
21 September 2015In July, the European Parliament adopted the ‘Reda report’ on copyright. Pirate Party MEP Julia Reda’s report focuses on the functionality of the current Infosoc Directive, and is broadly seen as a bellwether for the coming copyright legislation. But it is also seen as a potential threat to authors and artists, who will see their creations turn into merchandise.
The recent articles about the Reda Report have focused a lot on the so-called ‘Freedom of panorama.” This is just the tip of the (…) -
16 September 2015Refugees are the main subject in the media. Yet no one speaks about Palestinian refugees (and there are many among Syrians), who would like to return to their country as the UN Resolution 194 states they should.
Of course we have to welcome all refugees and migrants. Not only for humanitarian reasons but because our governments are responsible for their distress after having stolen the resources in their countries for centuries, drawn artificial borders, maintained dictators, made wars and (…) -
What Young Angolans Can Learn from Mirco Martins
15 September 2015Despite his young age, Angolan entrepreneur Mirco Martins has already amassed an impressive bio in the field of business. Yet, he has plenty of other goals on his to-do list many of them will benefit the country of Angola directly. While his successes will no doubt help the Angolans in general, young people in this home country should pay attention to the valuable lessons he could teach.
You Have to Work for It
Martins went abroad for an education in both the United States and the United (…) -
Imperial arrogance spews from US mouthpieces—"warning" Russia on Ukraine, Syria
15 September 2015My latest interview on PressTV re Kooky Cookie Nuland’s silly "warnings" to Russia. Desperation of the empire smh. Also delves briefly into Syria, the refugee crisis, and the futility of hoping for a left ’savior’ to stay the Hand of Empire. Please share. Audio and excerpts are in the link, full transcript is below the link.—Europe-Russia
“Wow! Vicky "Cookies" Nuland! It’s amazing to hear her speak. The arrogance and the (…) -
Wars of Opportunity: West and its gulf allies just won’t stop
12 September 2015My live appearance from yesterday on PressTV’s Top 5 discussing Yemen and the ongoing series of wars against the Global South and resistance everywhere from Venezuela to Ukraine.
Video here:
Transcript below: What will it take for the so called ’International Community’ pay attention and to take action?
"Well. I think it would take moving from Bizarro World back onto this planet, honestly. Because there is nothing that will convince—becausee (…)