Ostensibly, universal voting is the ideal of a free and democratic republic; however, barriers have been placed between many citizens and the ballot box ever since the creation of the United States. Many of these obstacles, such as property ownership and the racially-biased poll tax, have been removed. They are, however, being replaced by voter identification (ID) laws and other voter suppression schemes designed to discourage and prevent many, otherwise eligible voters from participating in (…)
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The Scandal of Voter Suppression in America
1 March 2016 -
Are you bothering to vote? If so, read this about the Killmeister
1 March 2016As you may know by now, I’m not feeling the bern. I’m not a registered democrat and haven’t been for quite some time. The game is a rigged one, an oligarchy wrapped in a democratic spring roll dipped in the blood of empire. Yum!
That said, I would be remiss if I didn’t urge anyone who can’t be disuaded from voting in super tuesday states (like Massachusetts) and beyond, or anyone who actually believes the system works—to take the opportunity to vote *against* this charlatan and fraud and (…) -
John Chuckman
An almost perfect measure of the decay of democratic values in American politics is found in a letter from Hillary Clinton to Haim Saban, a wealthy American-Israeli and a major contributor to the Democrats. It is a letter whose only purpose is to elicit funds, ingratiating its author to the recipient by condemning the perfectly legitimate right of free (…) -
21 February 2016One of the principal themes running through the Monty Python troupe’s classic comedy THE LIFE OF BRIAN involves the complexity of group dynamics. Set during the time of Christ, THE LIFE OF BRIAN explores the antics of several Jewish Resistance Groups—such as the People’s Front of Judea, the Judean People’s Front, the Popular Front, etc.—who spend so much time and effort fighting among themselves and with each other that they routinely ignore their common enemy—the occupying Roman Empire. (…)
Statecraft vs. Politics As Usual
19 February 2016As Americans are once again suffering through a barrage of nonstop negative political advertising during yet another "hold your nose and vote" election cycle, they yearn, desperately, for things to be different. Featuring a host of lackluster candidates pushing misleading issues, the 2016 presidential election is up for grabs. Stocks, bonds, commodities, and currency markets around the world are weakening. Odds are that America’s relentless "War on Terrorism" overseas will again flashback to (…)
Umm, Apple iPhone security, yeah
17 February 2016Tim Cook has sent out a letter claiming great concern over an FBI request to create a “back door” for Apple’s iPhone OS.
The implications of the government’s demands are chilling. If the government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone, it would have the power to reach into anyone’s device to capture their data. The government could extend this breach of privacy and demand that Apple build surveillance software to intercept your messages, access your health (…) -
Gaiacomm International develops handheld EMP gun
7 February 2016Gaiacomm International develops handheld EMP gun
Gaiacomm International has developed a handheld EMP gun using terahertz waves as the output frequency.
The pulse from this gun travels at the speed of light and can be fired without any visible emanation. This gun can come in ultra-wideband or narrow-band, with the latter acting like a laser emitting a single frequency at very high power. The pulse then is directed at a specific electronic target or human.
The range of intensity is from (…) -
The American Republic Manifestum VS The Koran
2 February 2016The American Republic Manifestum VS The Koran
It is well known that with Former President Bush’s decisions in Iraq, and President Obama’s to keep Nouri al-Maliki in power, has led to the ISIS development. With the breakup of Iraq coupled by big business and other countries like Iran and Russia coming in for the rape and pillage of the land and its people, has only led to the insane war on the people of so many countries.
The Koran in the hands of ISIS people, is the book of the dead. The (…) -
Sanders Will Win Because Empire Can Live With It
22 January 2016Radio interview on my seemingly outrageous prediction that Sanders will be the next president of the United States. [UPDATE]: Since the interview, people seem to be missing my point. I’m not saying this would be a lurch to the left at all. It is merely a way for the ruling class to maintain order in the cheapest and smartest way possible. Hilary is baggage (and despised), and the republicans are crazy. That leaves Sanders. They can live with that—plus it gives them the bonus of pretending a) (…)
President Obama supports The American Republic Manifestum
19 January 2016President Obama has read the American Republic Manifestum, and hopes that Americans can change towards the better.