By David Glenn Cox
The summer heat is fading and it brings a welcome relief but also a worrisome fear that the winter cold is right behind it. Each season brings with it a different set of problems each inverse of the other but still mainly the same. The changing season is making me angry because it marks the passage of time and I am still here. I’m still living in this nasty fetid little room hiding out like Anne Frank and dreaming of a job in concentration camp America.
While I was at (…)
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Brave Cincinnatus
1 September 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Becoming One
24 August 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
By David Glenn Cox
Without Internet access writing becomes harder and harder to do. It’s about a four-mile hike to the library up hill both ways because of the mid-nineties heat. Sometimes I feel as if I’m losing it and then sometimes I feel like I’m only beginning to get it. I made the hike the other day to check my E-mail and to reconnect with the world.
I arrived about nine in the morning and was greeted by a sign, which said, “New Wednesday hours One to Eight P.M.” My first thought (…) -
Foreclosures and Mounting Unemployment: Signs of Slowdown in US Economy
15 August 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Foreclosures and Mounting Unemployment: Signs of Slowdown in US Economy Jobless benefits claims at six-month high
by Barry Grey
Global Research, August 14, 2010 World Socialist Web Site
Reports released this week on initial applications for jobless benefits, bank seizures of foreclosed homes and retail sales all reflect a dramatic decline in US economic growth and growing social distress. On Thursday, the Labor Department reported that first-time jobless claims rose by 2,000 last (…) -
Signs of the Times
14 August 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Signs of the Times
By Joel Bowman
08/14/10 Lake Livingston, Texas – We came to see the real America. This week, we had a good look around.
Fellow Reckoners will recall that we are on a vagabond’s odyssey, traversing the Great Empire in search of a Greater Correction. We began our tour in California, the real estate bubble of the west. It will conclude, if all goes to our back-of-the-envelope plan, in Florida, the real estate bubble of the east. In between – Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, (…) -
Video, Charge: “Modern-Day Slavery in the State of Florida!”
14 August 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
On Saturday morning, Aug. 14, 2010, at Baltimore, MD’s Inner Harbor, I interviewed two Human Rights activists, Brigitte Gynther and Oscar Otzoy. They are members of the “Coalition of Immokalee Workers,” (CIW). It is sponsoring a mobile “Florida Modern-Day Slavery Museum,” which has recently been touring the northeast part of the country. See for details: Their group has assisted federal officials “in prosecuting six cases of modern-day slavery in Florida.” As (…)
Rudacille’s Tome: A Must-Read for Labor Buffs (Review)
25 May 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
“You are a little harder when you come out of a steel mill than when you went in.” - Austin McLelland (1)
In “Roots of Steel: Boom and Bust in an American Mill Town,” Deborah Rudacille vividly recreates the lives of the workers who lived in the company town of Sparrows Point, aka the “Point,” and the surrounding community of Dundalk, Maryland. During WWII, as many as 36,000 were employed at the sprawling facility, then owned by the Bethlehem Steel Co. and located on the water’s edge, just (…) -
Video: Protest for a National Jobs Program Held in D.C.
9 May 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
Protest for a National Jobs Program Held in D.C. from William Hughes on Vimeo.
On Saturday, May 8, 2010, a spirited protest action was held in front of the Department of Labor, in Washington, D.C. Its purpose was to demand the creation of a federally-mandated public jobs program, similar to the WPA, which was launched by FDR’s administration back in the middle of the Great Depression. Today’s event was sponsored by the Bailout the People organization, and a host of other progressive (…) -
Video: Labor Rally/Lobby Day in Annapolis, MD
16 March 2010 par (Open-Publishing)
On Monday evening, March 15, 2010, Maryland’s AFL-CIO staged a “Labor Rally/Lobby Day,” in Annapolis, in front of the State House. Among the speakers were: Ms. Donna Edwards, Secretary-Treasurer of MD State & DC AFL-CIO; Patrick Moran, Maryland Director of AFSCME; and Rod Easter, President of Baltimore Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO. For background, see: Ernie Grecco, President of the Baltimore Council AFL-CIO, served as the moderator for the (…)
16 November 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
“We have spent the better part of a year locked in a tedious and unenlightening debate over health care while the jobless rate has steadily surged. It’s now at 10.2 percent. Families struggling with job losses, home foreclosures and personal bankruptcies are falling out of the middle class like fruit through the bottom of a rotten basket.”
Bob Herbert, Columnist
On the same day a government report revealed that the official unemployment rate (…) -
Death by Work
15 October 2009 par (Open-Publishing)
By David Glenn Cox
The Bible observes that the wages of sin are death, but what then are the wages of virtue? What are the wages of work? As average Americans’ wages fall and our economy collapses in on itself, Wall Street flourishes as foreign investors move in to take advantage of the weak dollar. It was Mark Twain who noted that “God knows when even the sparrow falls. That’s wonderful that he knows that, but what does that matter if the sparrow still falls.”
In France the government (…)