Mr President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington DC 20500
Mr President,
Ten years ago, on June 8th 2001, the Miami Court declared as guilty five Cubans - Gerardo Hernández Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Ramón Labañino and René González. Several days later, on June 17th 2001, while these five patriots were still imprisoned in Miami, they wrote a message to the people of the United States. The censorship imposed on them at the time, and which is (…)
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letter of august to the President Obama
1 August 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
The American Empire Is Bankrupt
28 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsThis week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency. It marks the start of a terrible period of economic and political decline in the United States. And it signals the last gasp of the American imperium. That’s over. It is not coming back. And what is to come will be very, very painful.
Barack Obama, and the criminal class on Wall Street, aided by a corporate media that continues to peddle fatuous gossip and trash talk as news while we endure the greatest economic (…) -
Counter G-8 in Chicago, 2012
27 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentNeeded in Chicago, May 18-20.
1. Political puppet Art, music and theatrical direct actions such as brass bands which follow the cops around playing music and well rehearsed flash mobs all around the surrounding area to let people know what and why the dissent against NATO and G-8 is about using guerrilla theater acts in the park downtown.
2. Oppression Relief and Rescue teams for people getting abused, tear gassed, etc. by the cops.
3. Media Surveillance teams that will watch the cops (…) -
Balance the Budget on the Backs of Billionaires
21 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
The wealthiest nation on earth is not actually obliged to starve our senior citizens. We don’t need a military 670% more expensive than the next largest one on earth. We don’t need to fund health insurance corporations instead of healthcare. And we don’t need tax breaks for billionaires. In fact, we don’t need billionaires. That’s the message RootsAction is taking to Congress.
Forbes magazine has been listing the 400 wealthiest Americans every year since 1982. Thirteen billionaires (…) -
Obama October Surprise: Blaming al Qaeda
15 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentTo keep the "war on terror" alive and continue to instill fear, the Obama administration needs a false flag scenario, like the 9/11 attacks, to justify to the American public for sending thousands of ground troops to invade Africa, starting with Libya.
Just 2 weeks ago, the White House comes out with the latest counterterrorism strategy to turn inward to monitor the HOMELAND.
Without giving any credible explanation, John Brennan, White House counterterrorism adviser, stated: "Indeed, (…) -
"Why Libya? Why Qaddafi?
14 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
2 commentsBy Husayn Al-Kurdi
What are the reasons why the US government and its current President Barack Obama and his cabinet, are so vehement in their insistence that Libyan leader Mu’ammar el-Qaddafi "must go"? Why does the American regime insist on Qaddafi’s removal, to the extent of overseeing repeated bombings of his residences and other places where he may be staying or visiting, following a long series of assassination and coup attempts? Why do they continually reject overtures at mediation, (…) -
Dante’s Slope
12 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
By David Glenn Cox
I have been at loose ends now for two, could it be going on three years? Without a phone or an address to call my own, I have access to these things but they aren’t mine. For the last six months I have been staying like Dick Cheney, in an undisclosed location. I wonder now, if I’ve become a gentleman of the road? I’ve been placing an ad in Craigslist offering to do day labor, I’ve built fences, stained decks, built brick retaining walls. No job application, credit check (…) -
The truth about US debt, budget cuts and fiat currency
7 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
1 commentRepublican Bogus Budget BS, er, I mean "Concerns"
Disclaimer: I am not an economist and I nearly failed business math in college.
Claimer: I’m a musician but I’m above average at spotting bullshit. I’m registered as a Democrat - a fact of which I am no longer proud. And I’ve canvased four times for presidential candidates outside the two party system. If I lived in Ohio, however, I would vote for Kucinich. That said, I would probably vote for Ron Paul if I had to pick a candidate in (…) -
Fourth of July Lies
4 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
2 comments7/4/11
This fourth of July article is a call to those people of the USA who can still think critically to stop merely talking about changing the US and hence, the world and start doing it by creating resistance movements against the beliefs and practices that foster going into a countries and homes to kill the people and take their resources. Under the ruse of something called democracy, humanitarian intervention, the war on terror or the war on drugs, these programs and their (…) -
Minnesota: Broken deals, bitter words and a state shuts down
4 July 2011 par (Open-Publishing)
Broken deals, bitter words and a state shuts down
Dayton renewed his call to tax the rich; GOP pointed to harm of long-term debt. The governor and legislative leaders worked into the evening in a last-ditch bid for resolution.
Dayton and Republican legislators have been stalemated since January over how to balance the budget and close out the projected deficit. Dayton largely won election on a promise to preserve cherished state services by increasing taxes on the richest 2 percent of (…)