Home > SILVIO MON AMOUR (Vaff....!) Video
Edito Music Elections-Elected Italy European Left Bellaciao France

by Bellaciao Paris
Worldwide news & intergalactical scoop, especially for you, on Bellaciao: let The Team introduce you to the first video ever realized from A to Z (nigggthhhts of hard work :)) by Biche, Sirieix, Thom, Dr Furioso, La Louve, Bellaciao Collectif, 3x0, Le Scarabée, recorded, engineered and mixed Farra Vox studios :
Our italian friends, comrades and compatriots are about to chose new parliamentarian, new government on the 13d and 14th of april...what a harsh choice - well we have to admitt, it’s not that easy to choose between "Lovely left rainbow-bears" or "Mister Rotten"?! :)
No, we’ kiddin’... & please, have no hesitation: "VAFF... SILVIO" !!
Please enjoy this little jewel, thought and made joyfully by us (with our little nimble hands, yes yes!) for you, and, above all, don’t forget: send Buffoonsconi back to the backroom of History, for good.
(Bella)Ciao tutti.
Dr Furioso, Thom, Charlie, Brunz et La Louve
SILVIO MON AMOUR (by Sirieix/Brunz)
Silvio yo te quieroPorque quiero el dinero (x2)Vamos a matar la revolucionVamos a burlar toda la naciónVaffanculo libertadVaffanculo sociedadVaffanculo el pueblo unido !Vaffanculo clandestinoVaffanculo esperanzaVaffanculo el cuba libre !Silvio yo te quieroPorque quiero el dinero (x2)Vamos a matar los guerrillerosVamos a burlar los compañerosVaffanculo Pancho VillaVaffanculo zapatistaVaffanculo el Che Guevara !Vaffanculo la izquierdaLa tequila, el chili con carneY que viva Silicon Valley !Silvio mon AmourJe t’aime pour toujoursSilvio mon AmourJe t’aime tous les jours...