Home > Italy : the 16th of october. “Primary election” of the Unione ALSO THE (…)
Italy : the 16th of october. “Primary election” of the Unione ALSO THE MIGRANTS CAN VOTE
by Open-Publishing - Saturday 1 October 2005Edito Elections-Elected Italy European Left Italian 2006 elections

On invite to partecipate to primary election the 16th of October and vote for FAUSTO BERTINOTTI
In spring 2006 will take place in Italy general elections; this is an important moment to propose a new government without Berlusconi and the right forces (Lega Nord, Forza Italia, Alleanza Nazionale).
16th October 2005:there will be “primary ELECTIONS”.
What are “primary elections”?
The left parties ( Ds, Margherita, Rifondazione Comunista...) are united in a coalition, the UNIONE.
With “primary elections” all the citizens who support the Unione can vote to choose the leader of this coalition among different candidates ( Romano Prodi, Fausto Bertinotti and others)
For the first time also the immigrants ( living in Italy for 3 years ) can vote at the “primary elections” .
For the immigrants, partecipate at “primary elections” means give a contribute:
– to abolish the law Bossi-Fini and close CPT
– to the ratification (sanatoria) and the permit to stay (permesso di soggiorno)
– to the right of vote for migrants
– to transfer to the municipalities the competences on the permit to stay (stop queues in front of the Questura! )
On invite all the migrants of every nationality or religion to partecipate to primary election the 16th of October and vote for Fausto BERTINOTTI.
For migrants’vote and informations, phone to:
Mohammed 3381555621(Bergamo), Fabio 3397728683 (Dalmine, Verdellino), Dany 3394191460, Zahoor (Valcavallina) 3337018384, Maurizio 338.9759975 (Bergamo e provincia); Claudio 3338737525 (Valcalepio)